Arcy - Arc Inspired Windows 10 Theme

Windows 10 has always lacked the dark theme I needed so I had created one for my personal use and thought that it would be worth sharing so here it is - Arcy. This theme is inspired by Arc theme , with minor tweaks. Why use a dark theme at all? Boring answer - Many of us use our PC's in dimly lit environments so the blinding light from a laptop or desktop screen is really hard on our eyes and this can be decreased by using a dark theme on our systems. Real answer - Looks cool. 😁😁 How is this dark theme different? As we all know, Windows 10 already has a dark theme option in its personalization settings but its quite lacking and doesn't even theme the most-used everyday Windows programs. So, this theme tries to do that by implementing Windows's high contrast options. There's also another option - Skinpacks which offer greater customization but I'd not recommend them as they modify system files and are quite risky. How to get it? Just d...